
Tony employs a unique teaching philosophy by approaching the golf swing both analytically and traditionally. By using modern day technology used by top PGA Tour professionals, Tony is able to understand his students' swing in far greater depth. This systematic approach used in conjunction with traditional golf instruction allows him to work with his students in a more comprehensive manner. 

In an effort to better track his students' golf swing, Tony primarily uses FlightScope and Boditrak technologies to gain a more systematic understanding of their mechanics. 

FlightScope is one of the most accurate golf ball tracking units in the world. Using 3D Doppler tracking in conjunction with camera data, the unit is capable of providing you with approximately 19 parameters between the club and ball data combined. 

BodiTrak is a pressure-sensing mat that provides immediate wireless feedback of the ground mechanics in a golf swing. The purpose of tracking ground mechanics is mainly to ensure that proper weight transfer is occurring between the trail leg and lead leg which are paramount in remaining consistent and achieving good distance. 

Technologies such as FlightScope and Boditrak can also be used for custom club fittings. Determining the proper golf club specifications is a key compliment to your golf swing. 

I’ve been playing golf and taking lessons on and off for 25 years. In just one lesson, Tony changed my life! I literally gained 8-10 yards per club. He explained and demonstrated what a good impact position was and how to get there. I’m now reaching par 5’s in two and scoring better than ever.
— John Keller Greer, SC
I have learned so much from Tony in just a few lessons. I can’t tell you how much he has helped my game! His teaching style makes golf relaxing and so much fun! He went above and beyond other instructors I’ve had by printing out our lesson summaries and checking on my progress during the week.
— Joanie Workman Morris, Illinois

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